Transport modelling and simulation

We use established software solutions to analyze traffic impacts at different scales with transport models and microsimulations, calculate traffic forecasts and thus find customized solutions.
  • Transport models (PTV VISUM)
  • Traffic simulations (PTV VISSIM)


A22 Donauufer Autobahn (highway)
S1 Wiener Außenring Schnellstraße (expressway)
S8 Marchfeld Schnellstraße (expressway)
S31 Burgenland Schnellstraße (expressway)
S36 Murtal Schnellstraße (expressway)
regional roads B10/B60
study for highway junction A10 ASt Grödig

simulation of A2 highway junction IZ NÖ Süd
simulation of A2 highway junction Wiener Neudorf
traffic simulation A4 Ost Autobahn (highway)
traffic simulation for the highway service station Steinhäusl
traffic simulation Breitenfurter Straße